Breath work will efficiently improve your emotional health

Emotional health is a huge part of our health. Our emotional health can affect how we think, feel, and behave. And it can for sure impact our relationships, work, and our daily life.

And yet, in our fast-paced life, it can be hard to prioritize good emotional health. This is where breathwork comes in as an effective companion.

We will in this post explore how breathwork can help improving your emotional health. Plus give you easy tips on how to incorporate it into your daily life.

"The body speaks the truth, even when the mind is in denial."

- Gabor Mate

We know that our thoughts live in the mind. But did you know that the emotions lives in the body?

Our amazing brain is like a library or file cabinet of our past. Everything we have experienced is there. And as the language of the brain is questions, we have a tendency to focus on just that- questions. Even make the questions into problems.

And every thought in mind, is connected to an emotion. The language of the body is emotions, menat to be felt which means that the question or problem is then felt in our body.

thoughts-question- logic

emotion-felt- experience

And our body can not separate the present experiences from the past. Nor the imaginary ones. The scenarios created in mind that that might not even have happened. 

Same feeling = same state. 

If we are stuck in the past, or previous experiences, it can be hard to create a new future, as the past is imprinted in our bodies.  And what happens is that you lose presence - you get trapped somewhere in between. 

It's is very hard to change the past - but we can change how the past is living in us

To do differently might feel uncomfortable, but it will land you not in the past, not in the coming - but in the now. Present. 

It's a practice. But truth is that nobody changes until they change their energy

So don't wait for the outside to shift our inside. 

What is breathwork?

Well, if our breath is a 24/7 open pharmacy, then Breathwork is the medicine. Breathwork is about practicing conscious and controlled breathing techniques to improve physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It comes in a variety of styles and breathing techniques, most good and what differs them apart is the intention. Breathwork can be used as an effective tool to manage stress, anxiety, enhance physical and mental health, as well as relieve emotional issues.

How does breathwork affect emotional health?

Breathwork can have a profound impact on emotional health in several ways. The obvious reason might be to calm the mind and release stress and relieve anxiety. By focusing on the breath, we can quiet a noisy mind and bring ourselves into the present moment. Promoting a sense of relaxation and presence, letting go or soften negative thoughts and emotions.

But a more long term benefit is that breathwork can help release emotional blockages and trauma. We often hold onto emotions and experiences that no longer serve us, consciously or subconsciously and over time this can manifest as physical tension or mental distress. Specific breathing techniques can release these emotions and create space for more positive emotions to arise.

Last, breathwork can improve our overall emotional resilience. A consistent Breathwork practice will help our body and mind to respond more calmly and effectively to stressors. This will help us better manage our emotions and maintain a more healthier balanced and perspective on life.

How to incorporate breathwork into your daily routine

Try different styles of breathing techniques and breathing exercises, and find your favourites! Mix short practices for focus, instant calm or energy, with longer deep breathing techniques to enhance the emotional or resilient effects.

Create a daily practice of deep breathing or slow breaths (read and see more here) in the evening or morning. That may include e.g diaphragmatic breathing, alternate nostril breathing, box breathing, 4-7-8 breathing or fire breath. Consistency is key and you will feel the effects of just a few minutes of conscious breathing per day.

To incorporate breathwork into your daily routine, set aside a few minutes each day to practice. Preferably find a quiet place, but if you can not do so- please do not let that stop you because you can practice conscious breathing anywhere! The conscious focus on your breath is more important.

Also, create time to try out the longer sessions of Breathwork in Group or Private. Online Breathwork is a great tool for you who done live near a studio. (Kia Agerhem has a Breathwork & Reiki Studio in Stockholm, and holds sessions for Breathwork Stockholm in group, private and in corporate settings)

Reduce stress and anxiety by consciously Breathing

Emotional health is of essence for your overall well-being, and breathwork can be a an effective and powerful tool to enhance it. Incorporate breathwork on a daily routine to lower your stress level, reduce anxiety, release emotional blockages, and improve your overall emotional resilience. Nothing to lose really. To work with your breath will improve body and mind.

"The body will always find a way to communicate its needs, whether we pay attention or not."

-Gabor Mate

There is a powerful connection between our physical and emotional well-being. Our bodies has a way of communicating without words. Using its bodily signals and all we have to do to listen is feel what it has to say. The soft whispers of stuck energy, or the hard scream through physical symptoms, chronic illness, or emotional disturbances.

Much like a water hose that we hold back until it starts to leak somewhere else due to high pressure, the body always win. Be attentive and responsive to the message your body is trying to convey. See them as guidance to maintain health and balance.

Breathwork Stockholm

If you live in Stockholm and would like to attend or try a style of emotional releasing Breathwork , join for a session at The Loft. A cosy hidden away studio in central Stockholm hosted by Kia Agerhem. The sessions are held by Breath Guide and Reiki Master Kia Agerhem and are a combination of Breathwork and energy healing. You find Breathwork Stockholm sessions here. The sessions are held in English or Swedish.

Breathwork online

If you do not live in Stockholm, join for Breathwork Online! Once a month there are Breathwork group sessions with different themes gathering people from different parts in a held and supportive space. Join for a beneficial and felt experience of breathwork. To practice breathwork online has a magical benefits of being able to stay in the final integration phase for a longer time

Corporate Breathwork

If you would like to bring in Breathwork for the health of your company and its employees, reach out for discussing a set up and get a quote. Kia Agerhem is a key note speaker within Energy, Brain, Nervous System and Breath, and mixes theoretical and practical practices with very high client satisfactory.


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Breathwork Stockholm - simplicity & power to feel good!