What is Intuition? How do you separate fear from intuition?

What is Intuition?

Intuition is an innate, unknowing, inner wisdom connected to your authentic and true self. It's the part of you that knows what is true, even those times we choose not to listen. The gut feeling, a deeper knowing and the immediate understanding of something without conscious reasoning.
You get it - you just might not know why or how.

Your intuition knows without even having to think. Based on implicit memory - yours or older than so perhaps. Might be hard to describe as intuition is abstract and intangible. Intuition is a feeling or energy – like a quick vibe.

  • You get a good or bad feeling about someone/something

  • A great idea that just appear out of nowhere

  • Reading between the lines

The gut is sometimes, by scientists, called the second brain. There is actually a neural network of 100 million neurons in your digestive area, more than we have in the whole spinal cord. 

Some research has shown that big decisions in life that is taken with intuition in consideration have a happier and more satisfying turnout

What is the difference between fear and intuition?

Fear can be explained as a pushing energy, as if looking to avoid disappointment, disapproval, or be seen as a fool, or disapproval. Might feel like high-speed, unsettled, energy or tensed or gripped muscles. Or it might feel like you are physically getting smaller. 

The inner company/voice might be dominated by loud harsh, critical thoughts. Dramatic and encouraging you to  hide, hold back, or minimize your needs. Fear thrives in busyness.

Intuition can show up as more pulling energy. You are drawn toward something that is good for you - even if it requires a risk. Hope and perhaps an underlying excitement. Intuition can be felt with calm in the body, almost as an inner knowing/familiar and trusting - even if it's a new thing. Growth and a sense of expansion and openness.

The voice of intuition is encouraging and a reflection of deeper wisdom. Wanting - or telling you to rise and shine. 

Take a breath, close your eyes. See within for clarity. Let your intuition guide you. 

How can you enhance your intuition?

At times you might feel lost, or not know what you want - well, then you might not be in contact with your intuition. 

You can practice your intuition by practicing with simple questioning and feel for the reply. Start easy, writing a question on a piece of paper with a “yes” and a “no” below. Leave the paper, go do something else for a while. Then come back, read the question and circle your instant reply.

You can also practice getting to know your energy and learn how to hear your inner voice more clearly. To deepen your relationship with your own energy and hear those whispers from deep within is so beautiful and so very well worth. Its a relationship to hold dearly - the one between you and you.

At times you might need to silent the inner voices before being able to really hear. Then I would recommend Breathwork, my personal favorite active meditation. Read more about the benefits of Breathwork here, or join for a session of Breathwork Stockholm or Breathwork Online here.

What is intuition? Intuition vs fear? How to you strengthen your intuition?

What is intuition? Work with Kia to strengthen your intuition and create clarity and courage when fear is holding you back


Breathwork Stockholm, Breathwork Online, Yoga & Reiki classes 1st-14th April