Breathwork when anxious. Plus, a breathing exercise!

When we feel stressed, anxious, most of our internal systems operate automatically. The reaction can differ, higher pulse, blood flushing quicker, some freeze, shake and some even wants to run away.

We might feel as if we are losing control. Our thoughts starts to spin faster, and our attention is focused in mind. And the connection with the rest of the body weakens.  Everything is happening TO you. 

First thing, is to get aware of these moments, and take you out of the anxious or stressed feeling, because they are taking you out of your true power.

What internally unites and can communicate with all our internal systems is our breathing

Why does taking deep breaths help ease stress and anxiety?

When we breathe slow and deep, and use our "breathing muscle" (diaphragm) your organs are supplied with more oxygen. Your heartbeat slows down, and your blood pressure stabilizes. You will immediately feel calmer, more relaxed, and less stressed. Your focus and present moment feeling can start to enter.

You will also feel more focused as calm belly breathing will activate the brain, improve our cognitive function and assist in concentration.

In contrast, shallow breaths leave your body deprived of oxygen, increasing your anxiety levels. This will quickly become apparent in your posture, your voice, and your racing thoughts.

Breath can help you maintain, or get back to, presence in high-stake situations. 

How do quickly relief anxiety with breath work?

There are many different breathing techniques to relief anxiety. When you practice Breath work and deep breathing, you will find that some breath techniques and breath work styles will shift your energy long term. They can also take you on deeper journeys and transform limiting beilefs which in itself can help the anxious feelings to enter in the first place.

Breath technique for instant calm

But sometimes we just need a quick tool to take us out of our stress or anxiety, and create instant calm. This breathing exercises (video at the end of article) is one of the best to relief anxiety.

  • Inhale slow through nose, while expand the belly out.

  • Exhale out slowly and create three small pauses during the same exhale

  • In, Out, Out, Out

This will trick, or help, the body into lengthening the exhale, which in return deepens the inhale.

This simple breathing exercise, is a super easy tool to create when feeling a sudden rush of stress or anxiety. Practice when needed, or prior sleep. This breath pattern is great to do together with kids or teens, often appreciated since the change is easily felt and they don't have to express it is words.

You will go from head to body, from thinking to feeling, from anxious to calm. This is a breath practice that truly can decrease anxiety and soften tension.

If your systems are on high alert and it is hard to even focus on the breath. Let the brain take an active role that is to your advantage. Visualize the breath while breathing, it may help help to create a smooth rhythm. And, it will keep your brain busy.

How many times? One is better than none. Once a day better than never🤗 don’t be so hard- it’s a sweet tool to carry with you, try it.

For more quick breathing hacks, go here

Breathwork is amazing! If you would like to deepen your practice and ripe all the benefits of breathwork, I suggest to join in for a longer and deeply profound session that has the power to be life transforming. Breathwork can cleanse, heal, create clarity and empowerment. Most of all, Breath work can actually guide You closer to You, go to Upcoming Sessions or read more here.

Group Breathwork Stockholm

If you live in Stockholm, come breathe with Kia Agerhem at her cosy Studio "the Loft" at Östermalm. Or join in one of her classes at Moumo, Södermalm (available with Bruce), or at YogaYama (Östermalm). Kia combines these classes with reiki Healing Energy, and at the Loft she also uses Tarot Cards if asked. The Breathwork Sessions with Kia is often highly transformative and common words often used afterwards are "I felt safe", "Grateful".

Group Breathwork Online

Breathwork is fantastic to to online too, some feel it is easier when you do not hear others. You do feel them though. And you will feel the Reiki Energy too.

Private Breathwork & Reiki Stockholm or Online

If you prefer to go on a private session there are a few bookable appointments per week in the studio, or online, but if you truly are in for a shift or change in life to really break through - then it is suggested to try the 8 week program. A integration of Breathwork, Reiki, Therapeutic conversations and inquiries.

Duo Breathwork & Reiki sessions Stockholm or Online

Duo sessions can be a very nice birthday gift for a friend or partner. It is a very sweet way to strenghten a bond, work through tension or just experience something together. Because Breathwork truly is an experience.

Corporate Breathwork Stockholm or Online

One of the best things you can do for company health is to incorporate Breathwork - an active meditation to release stress and anxiety, enhance productivity and creativity. Kia works online and in Person with group Company Breathwork and the results are magic. She also works with companies and employees that experience brain fatigue, or are having burnout syndromes, with results that speak for themselves - no burnouts.

quick breathing technique for instant calm. BreathWork Stockholm

Breath work exercise to create instant calm if feeling anxious


Intention matters. You can create the life that you want.


Quick breathing exercise for instant focus & boost of energy